GPR Insights + GPR Slice


Intelligent GPR data analysis & visualization web+desktop software package

The Perfect Pack

GPR Insights is the only software for GPR data analysis that, being fully web-based, platform independent and device agnostic, skips the complexity while maintaining advanced functionalities. Its workflows are optimized for non-experts and experts alike guaranteeing the highest quality.

On the other hand, GPR Slice remains the most complete solution in terms of number of functionalities, being the most renowned solution for academia, researchers and GPR experts needing very advanced analytic tools.

Intelligent post-processing

Screening Eagle´s GPR data analytics and visualization software delivers superior quality of data post-processing thanks to the long-established GPR Slice algorithms and intuitive web-based software. In 2021, GPR Slice joined the Screening Eagle ecosystem and provides comprehensive data analytics software to handle very complex data sets. For users who are entering the world of advanced GPR data post-processing, or those who want to reduce their workflow by up to 80%, GPR Insights has established a new standard in the industry. You can use GPR Insights from anywhere, on any device and independently of your operating system. The only thing you need is a web browser.

GPR Slice

GPR Insights is an intelligent data analysis web-based solution for GPR Service companies, Subsurface Utility Engineers, and Geoscientists to increase productivity, profit, and scalability with an intuitive, platform-agnostic software for advanced analysis of any GPR data. See how GPR Insights can raise the quality of your deliverables with better and faster results for your clients

2D & 3D Advanced data processing 


GPR-Slice software is designed to process GPR raw data and display the results in 2D and 3D. This is possible thanks to its ability to remove noises and creating superior images from measured data. GPR-Slice helps users interpret images of subsurface objects and highlight structures at different depths thanks to its unique overlay analysis functionality.

Experience ground-breaking functionalities 


Get the most in-depth data analysis and understanding of your GPR measurements. GPR-Slice provides all the necessary signal and image processing filters. It operates on powerful radargram processing algorithms for improved data analytics such as bridge deck analysis, topographical corrections and vector imaging.

Integrate with GPS

The data export capabilities allow you to use the collected data in different software environments such as AutoCAD, directly in the design process. It also allows complete integration with GPS navigation, including GPR/GPS volume imaging and time slices (also random GPR track, the yaw, tilt and pitch of the antenna) for the best positioning and orientation of the collected data. This delivers seamless integration and interpolation across all GPR/GPS tracks.

GPR-Slice is a powerful software solution, compatible with all single and multi-channel GPR systems. It also allows complete integration with GPS/TS navigation (even accounting for yaw, pitch and roll of the antenna). Subscribe to GPR-Slice to get all the advanced functionalities for your GPR data on a variety of applications.

GPR Insights

GPR Insights is an intelligent data analysis web-based solution for GPR Service companies, Subsurface Utility Engineers, and Geoscientists to increase productivity, profit, and scalability with an intuitive, platform-agnostic software for advanced analysis of any GPR data. See how GPR Insights can raise the quality of your deliverables with better and faster results for your clients.

Superior Visualization 


Visualization is at the core of GPR data analysis and post-processing. GPR Insights allows you to visualize your data in full 3D easier and faster than ever before, with just one click! Save hours of time with customizable filters and create incredible data visualizations in minutes with different views and layers (geopositioning, as-builts and many more).

Secure data sharing 

Gone are the days of waiting for data to uploaded onto a USB stick for sharing, or needing several pieces of software to handle the different file formats. You can share and receive GPR data at any time, securely, with a simple link. Your data is stored automatically in the cloud with a back-up copy for safe keeping.

New – Efficient collaboration 

Simply login to Workspace with your Screening Eagle ID to start using GPR Insights from any computer or tablet. You can share projects with team mates to analyze the data or with customers to show the results. But this is not all, share your session via a convenient link to as many colleagues as you wish and work on the same projects simultaneously! The magic is one-click away to share whatever you are doing in Insights with as many people as you wish so everyone can interact (view & edit) with the data.

New – Automatic 3D Topo compilation 

The essence of data analysis is 2D and 3D visualization of correctly positioned and processed data. We have put this at the core of your workflow: Import all types of GPR data files, with no need for conversion! Conveniently tweak the pre-filtering and slicing/gridding to your liking; Work on 2D or 3D view, activate automatic topo corrections, and easily add a satellite image, CAD files (as-builts), and field interpretation (tags and drawings) to your data. All you have to do is upload the data file and it is automatically integrated in seconds.

New – Advanced data analytics 

Gain richer insights from your raw data with our AI (artificial intelligence) GPR engine – no deep knowledge required. GPR Insights leverages a powerful AI engine to automatically detect top reinforcing steel in concrete GPR data sets. A new data analytics module with a straightforward workflow enables users to easily generate quality maps of top steel from the AI-detected points.

Empowering GPR Service Providers,  Engineers and Geoscientists to post-process data faster than ever 

GPR Service Providers
Increase your productivity by empowering your team with an intuitive, easy-to-use software for advanced analysis of any GPR data
Subsurface Engineers 
Raise the quality of your client deliverables in no time – what used to take half a day now takes around half a minute to complete
Save time and money, boost productivity, increase profit, and scale your business with the most efficient post-processing workflow

How to extract the most valuable insights from my GPR data?

Visualize your GPR data in never-seen-before quality. Whether the GPR data was limited by site and weather conditions, or positioning errors, you can achieve clear data analysis with our advanced software. You can quite literally transform raw data, from any GPR equipment, into 3D visualization rendering and obtain the deepest insights.  
Superior quality of data processing and imaging thanks to the combination of GPR Slice algorithms and intuitive web-based Screening Eagle software
Analyze data of any GPR device for any type of application (concrete/soil) from your preferred device, independently of the operating system or web browser
 The built-in processing power helps analyzing unlimited data in an easier, richer and more structured way. End-to-end workflows designed for experts and non-experts alike

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