Aquam PipeScan+


Pressurised pipe inspection and leak detection system

The Aquam PipeScan+ is an internal ultrasonic manipulator incorporating focussed ultrasonic probes coupled with a hi resolution camera system and 512Hz sonde.

The PipeScan+ allows pipework of all materials to be scanned whilst remaining in service, allowing a full dimensional survey to be achieved including multiple wall thickness measurement, corrosion and flaw identification along with lining thickness.

Using this system allows accurate remaining life expectancy of the pipework to be calculated where thousands of measurements can be acquired in minutes. The PipeScan+ is configured onto a 100m semi- flexible umbilical, therefore offering 100m maximum capability. This allows pipework to be scanned along the full length giving reliable data on true asset condition.

The PipeScan+ will not be matched with regards to the quality and detail of data captured from the technology and unlike magnetic flux leakage tools the PipeScan+ not only gives average wall thickness readings, but also fully detailed structural assessments. Access into live pressurized pipework is possible and auto controlled using a portable electronic drive system which controls the feeding and pullback of the scanner in a controlled manor. The system is compatible with LiveFeed software for maximum performance.

Pipescan 1

Benefits of using the Pipescan+

  • Fire hydrant access
  • NDT wall thickness
  • CCTV Imaging
  • Fully automatic
  • Location mapping
  • Live insertion
  • Water and waste
  • Water pipelines
  • Petrochemical pipelines


  • Fire hydrant access
  • NDT wall thickness
  • CCTV imaging
  • Fully automatic
  • Location mapping
  • Live insertion
  • Water and waste water pipelines
  • Petrochemical pipelines

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