THE SEWERIN SEPEM® 351 NOISE LOGGER A GAME CHANGER IN BULK WATER LEAK DETECTION Data is transmitted via LoRaWAN®. The SePem® 351 noise loggers monitor your water distribution networks. With the target of reducing water losses, it transfers measurement data via LoRaWAN®. CONTACT US Sending measurement data via LoRaWAN® The SePem® 351 noise logger monitors your water distribution networks.With the target of reducing water losses, it transfers measurement data via LoRaWAN®. The SePem® 351 logger is specifically designed for stationary installation. It measures the noises in the pipe network at defined times. Following the measurement, the recorded data are evaluated and prepared to be transferred.The logger must be registeredRead More →

Smoke Testing For Leak Detection Where there is a defect, plumes of smoke will emerge PROVEN RELIABILITY – COST EFFECTIVE, SFAE, EFFICIENT. SAFE EFFICIENT Plumbing smoke tests have been used to detect gas and water leak repair issues for well over a century. Even with a number of technological advances spurring the development of alternative leak detection methods, smoke testing is still widely considered to be the most reliable method of testing for plumbing leaks. CONTACT US Smoke testing pipelinesLocating a leak in a pipeSmoke testing in progressTesting new mains to locate infiltration issues – manholes were not properly sealedSmoke testing in progressSmoke coming fromRead More →

The Ferret Pipe Leak Detection System Find leaks faster and with greater accuracy Ferret’s unique leak detecting features will enable you to find and fix water leaks more efficiently, saving you time, reducing your costs and making you more competitive, with happier customers too! The Ferret leak detection system is the ultimate tool for commercial plumbers and leakage specialists, as well as water companies and trace and access insurance providers. Ferret Leak Detector By delivering accurate leak locations – even in plastic pipes – the number and size of excavations required to repair a leak are significantly reduced, resulting in far fewer resources being used.Read More →

The Aquapea® TRENCHLESS IN-LINE PIPE REPAIR TECHNOLOGY WHAT IS THE AQUAPEA® ? The Aquapea® is an innovative product, capable of repairing leaks from inside the pipe with zero excavations, whether the pipe is Polyethylene, Copper, Alkathene, Galvanized Steel or Lead. The Aquapea® can be used in various pipe sizes from 15mm to 50mm. The Aquapea® technology is WRAS Approved and has a Smart WaterMark approval for water efficiency, being one of only 300 products that has demonstrated real water savings. The Aquapea® provides novel solutions to real-world problems and a groundbreaking alternative to traditional pipeline repairs. Cutting out disruption and time in unnecessary excavations inRead More →